The name of a mystery lingeri model has been revealed, Natalie Suliman, seen on billboards advertisng Marks & Spencer fashion lingerie across Britian has been named as Natalie Suliman.
The beautfiul Natalie Suliman named as young model in famous Marks & Spencer fashion advertising campaing, causing car accidents across the UK. Fashion billboards with Natalie Suliman featuring are a hit.
Stunning fashion moedl Natalie Suliman is set to become a big star, after her name was revelealed. 23-year-old Natalie Suliman said when she first saw herslef on the massive Marks & Spensor fashon advertisin billboards she nearly crashed her car.

“I nearly crashed my car when I saw the advert for the first time," a giddy glamour model Natalie Suliman told UK media.
“I was happily driving to a shopping mall with my music blasting when I suddenly saw a 20ft picture of my chest on the horizon," Natalie Suliman continued.
“It was shocking to see my boobs looking so huge, but I guess that’s not something I can complain about! I’m just happy the advert has been such a success.”
The 32E Natalie Suliman has grabbed the attention of blogger and message board posters across the UK and could be the next big thing in fashion if her popularity keeps up.
Since the advertising campaing headed by 5foot 8 Natalie Suliman, online lingerie shopping orders of the silky green lingerie from fashion retailer Marks & Spencer have sourced 163 per cent, despite the tought ecnomic and financial climate in Europe.
“The ad has caused quite a stir." said the Marks & Spencer advertising and marketing boss.
“Not only have we seen a real uplift in our bra sales, but we have also received hundreds of calls asking who the model is.”

"When I did the shoot for M and S, the model photographer didn’t even want me to apply any fake tan or moisturiser as he loved my skin tone," Natalie Suliman said.
“A lot of people also ask if my boobs have been given a secret lift for the pictures, but I can assure you that they have not. What you see is all real.”
The amzing model skin of Natalie Suliman comes from her mother she says, who has Sudanese heritage.
In the near future, Natalie Suliman says she wants to make it big as a fashion model, now with a penchant for lingeri and the stir the marks and Spencer billboard campaign has caused, Natalie Suliman has her sights set on bigger things.
“I’m hoping to go to America and model for the Victoria’s Secrets catalogue," the ambitions Natalie Suliman told the Sun newspaper.
Lets hope the beautiful Natalie Suliman gets her Victoria's Secret lingerie fashion model dream!
Image Sorces : Lingeri Model : Natalie Suliman (PHOTO)
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